Double stars : H VI 93

Celestial motion
Date: 2024-04-27
Astronomical night: 22:05 - 04:54 (GMT -5)
H VI 93 Celestial motion
RiseDusk42°78° (East)
SetDawn55°272° (West)
Maximum elevation



180° (South)


H VI 93 Celestial motion
Information about H VI 93

General information

H VI 93 is the double star at magnitude 5 that is placed in Corona Borealis constellation and has apparent size of 2 angular minutes.
Having high brightness and large apparent size, double star is available for observations through a pair of binoculars or small telescope.

Information for observations

2024-04-27 double star H VI 93 will be visible all night. At 22:05 the object will be placed at east, 42° above your horizon, and will be observable until around 04:54 when fade from view as dawn breaks west. Maximum elevation, 83° above horizon, will be reached at 02:05, when double star will be placed at south.

H VI 93 on the sky map

H VI 93 on the sky map
Object type

Double Star

Alternative names


Corona Borealis



Apparent size2'
Right ascension16h 1m 3s
Declination33° 18′ 13″
Nearest objects with greater magnitude
Object typeMagnitude
H N 81Double Star5.39
H I 36Double Star2.95