Sky Tonight
Sky Map
Celectial bearing and elevation at 01:54
This skymap is a dynamic visualization that displays the positions of celestial objets in the night sky for your specific location on the current date. It allows you to interactively explore the celestial landscape by moving it horizontally, enabling you to preview how the arrangement of stars will change as the night progresses.
Celestial Delights for Your Night Sky Adventure
Tonight's celestial wonders are ready to amaze and inspire. Here's a brief list of what you can explore:
Solar System Objects
Our Star
Explore sunspots, flares, and prominences, revealing solar dynamics and activity. For safe observation, use solar filters or telescopes to protect your eyes.
1st Quarter (81%)
The Moon exhibits a stunning array of craters, mountains, and lunar maria, showcasing its rugged and varied surface in intricate detail, with phases changing as it orbits Earth.
See which planets are currently visible, along with their rise and set times, to help you plan your observations.
Inner Planet
Venus, the "Evening Star" or "Morning Star", entices stargazers with its changing phases, transitioning from a slender crescent to a nearly full disc, all while radiating remarkable brilliance and standing out in the night sky.
Outer Planet
Mars, the "Red Planet", captivates stargazers with its distinct reddish hue, diverse surface features, and ongoing exploration potential for signs of life.
Active Meteor Showers
The sky is quiet at the moment, with no major meteor showers underway.
For a complete list of meteor showers, go to our Active Meteor Showers page.
Satellite Flyovers
A short list of upcoming brightest satellite flyovers.
No bright satellite flyovers are expected in the next hour.
To view the complete list, visit our Satellites page.
Brightest Stars
Check out the five brightest stars currently visible in the night sky.
Arcturus, the fourth brightest star, is an orange giant in the constellation Boötes. Its distinctive hue and brightness make it easily recognizable in the night sky.
Vega, the fifth brightest star, is part of the constellation Lyra. It is one of the most luminous stars visible from Earth and a prominent member of the Summer Triangle asterism.
Procyon, the eighth brightest star, is a binary system in the constellation Canis Minor. Its name means 'before the dog' as it rises just before Sirius, the 'Dog Star'.
Spica is a binary star system located in the constellation Virgo. It is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and plays a significant role in many celestial navigational systems.
Pollux is part of the Gemini twins, a bright yellow-orange giant star. It is one of the two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini, easily visible to the naked eye.
If you've enjoyed learning about these five stunning celestial wonders, don't miss out on exploring our list of the brightest stars in the night sky
Double Stars
Discover the brightest double stars currently visible in the night sky.
Multiple Star System
8-star star system in the constellation Libra with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 3.30 and 5.19, separated by 3.8 arcminutes.
Double Star
Double star system in the constellation Leo with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 3.46 and 6.03, separated by 5.2 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
Quadruple star system in the constellation Camelopardalis with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.20 and 6.21, separated by 3 arcminutes.
Double Star
Double star system in the constellation Vulpecula with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 4.61 and 5.93, separated by 6.6 arcminutes.
Double Star
Double star system in the constellation Draco with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 4.87 and 4.90, separated by 1.2 arcminute.
Discover the brightest nebulae currently visible in the night sky.
Beehive (M44)
Open Cluster
The Beehive Cluster, an open star cluster containing over 1,000 stars, located approximately 577 light-years away in the constellation Cancer.
Globular Cluster
A globular cluster containing roughly 100,000 stars, located approximately 14,300 light-years away in the constellation Ophiuchus.
Globular Cluster
A globular cluster notable for its tightly packed core, located approximately 30,000 light-years away in the constellation Ophiuchus.
Open Cluster
An open star cluster containing over 200 stars, located approximately 1,500 light-years away in the constellation Hydra.
Hercules Globular Cluster (M13)
Globular Cluster
The Great Hercules Cluster, a large globular cluster containing several hundred thousand stars, located in the constellation Hercules.
For a complete list of nebulae visible tonight, go to our Nebulae Page. There, you'll find detailed information on each nebula, including its location, brightness and photos.