Naked-Eye Double Stars Visible Tonight: Pairing Stars Visible to the Naked Eye
Sky Map
Celectial bearing and elevation at 20:31
Naked-eye double stars are visible to the naked eye and offer an easy way to observe binary star systems. Well-known examples include Albireo in the constellation Cygnus and Mizar and Alcor in the Big Dipper. These stars are often appreciated for their visual beauty and clarity.
Double Star
Double star system in the constellation Cancer with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.24 and 5.70, separated by 16.3 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
6-star star system in the constellation Corona Borealis with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.39 and 5.58, separated by 6.2 arcminutes.
Double Star
Double star system in the constellation Taurus with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 4.69 and 5.09, separated by 7.1 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
6-star star system in the constellation Hercules with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.91 and 6.17, separated by 4.9 arcminutes.
Triple Star System
Triple star system in the constellation Canes Venatici with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.95 and 6.26, separated by 4.8 arcminutes.
Double Star
Double star system in the constellation Draco with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 4.87 and 4.90, separated by 1.2 arcminute.
Multiple Star System
Quadruple star system in the constellation Andromeda with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.79 and 6.07, separated by 2.9 arcminutes.
Triple Star System
Triple star system in the constellation Cepheus with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 3.61 and 6.50, separated by 16.7 arcminutes.
Double Star
Double star system in the constellation Vulpecula with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 4.61 and 5.93, separated by 6.6 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
6-star star system in the constellation Taurus with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.75 and 6.42, separated by 2.5 arcminutes.
Triple Star System
Triple star system in the constellation Leo with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 3.46 and 6.03, separated by 5.2 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
8-star star system in the constellation Taurus with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.20 and 5.29, separated by 5.7 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
8-star star system in the constellation Taurus with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 3.74 and 3.94, separated by 5.7 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
5-star star system in the constellation Camelopardalis with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 5.00 and 6.21, separated by 3 arcminutes.
Multiple Star System
8-star star system in the constellation Libra with primary and secondary components of magnitudes 3.30 and 5.19, separated by 3.8 arcminutes.